
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday Night Fun?

Third day of no sweets and I want a cookie so bad, I feel like a crack addict on the 1st day of rehab! The fact that I have six...yes, SIX boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in the house, is not helping! Lent has started and I always like to give something up...and also to do something...this year I have given up sweets and every day I am trying to do little random acts of kindness.

I'm not sure which is harder...the no sweets thing or finding things to do for people. It started out easy...Kids and I were at Target, saw a stray shopping cart and put it away. Of course, then the next kid had to find a stray cart and put it away...which meant I had to scour the parking lot for another cart for the little one...which took some time and freaked some people out, who thought we were stalking them...which we were...

The next day I was at the grocery store, looking at the market flowers. Another woman picked out some flowers and I gave her the plastic sleeve thing that she needed, so the flowers wouldn't drip everywhere... This morning I helped a friend deliver something to her kids at school...but what do I do when I can't find something?

I thought about that as I walked up to the glass doors of a department store. I could see an older woman walking towards the doors, right at me. "Oh good," I thought to myself, "I will open the door and hold it for her." But what does she do? She sees me and makes a sharp turn towards the OTHER set of doors! What the heck? HEY LADY! Can't you see I'm trying to do a good deed? Get back here! As these thoughts were streaming through my head, I pictured myself throwing open the door, stalking over to her and strong-arming her through the door. Guess that really wouldn't qualify as an act of kindness...

I wish I could give up something that I really don't like...driving the kids to school...picking the kids up from school...housework...making school lunches....laundry...trying to think what to cook for dinner...hmm...this list could get very long! toilets...Seriously...I think I either need to write the boys a letter:  "Dear Boys, please aim for the large white thing in the middle of the room. Please do NOT aim for the floor, the cupboards, the trash can, the shower curtain" ...OR I could paint the toilet red with a white seat...maybe they will think it's a big bullseye... Regardless...I just don't like cleaning it...

Even though Monday was a holiday...this has been a long week. Oh...Monday was a holiday...the kids were home...this HAS been a long week! So glad it's Friday...of course that presents a whole new set of issues...the kids think they can stay up as long as they's the weekend! After 2 hours of after dinner playing, they have agreed to sleep in the playroom together and watch a movie. My husband sends them up to clean the playroom. "I didn't mess it up, Dad!" complains the oldest. And it's was the younger ones..."OK, go find something else to do, stay out of their way," says Dad. He sets the younger ones to picking up the room, so that there is some floor space to sleep on. Soon, I hear the thump and then wail and here comes the youngest. The middle son is close on her heels. This can only mean one of two things...either he is concerned about his sister....or he caused the crying and is coming down to defend never know with him..sometimes he hides...

She has fallen over some miscellaneous crap on the floor and hurt her back on some kind of bucket...I think...hard to decipher through the sobbing.  After consoling her, I carry her back upstairs and find myself helping them put things away. The Monopoly game seems to have taken a few hits broken, a game piece is is scattered all over the room. I stay upstairs with them and get things put away. We are done! I tell the kids to go get their pillows and blankets. The little one says she has a hurt spot on her face and runs downstairs to have Dad put something on it...the eldest is missing from his room, I assume he is downstairs too. The middle son and I wait patiently for their return. "I wish they would hurry up," he says, "I really like this movie." I go downstairs to check on them and my husband says, they will be up in 10 minutes...they are watching some gold mining show... "Hurry up , I say, your brother is waiting. Ten minutes later, they are ready. I go up to start the movie and the middle son is alseep. OUT! Poor kid...figures. Now the oldest says he is too tired and goes to his room...and here comes the little one..crying and whining...she doesn't want to be alone in the playroom... And so goes my night... I remember when Friday nights meant going out. Now they mean no homework, sleeping in the next day and juggling the kids. So glad I didn't give up wine for Lent...I think a nice Merlot will do...

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